Sunday, 20 January 2013

Sunday Morning and another snowday -Yip.....
Its wears off a bit after a few days doesn't it? It's still pretty, it's still fun and it's still cold out there and the forecasters have said that we will get more snow about lunchtime. I can reliably inform you all, that, unless they are planning an early lunch, they are wrong. It's 9-30 am and its snowing now.
Sunday morning, no wife, Gail is still stranded at her mums'. (She did get a new car. A Ford Fiesta. Don't have any details yet) Only 4 cans of beer in the fridge. And I have just discovered that my meticulously planned stew will now be mince in gravy as I got the wrong bl"%dy meat out of the freezer last night. Have you ever noticed how much frozen mince looks like frozen braising steak. Never mind it'll do fine I am sure.
The dogs and I did walk to the pub yesterday, about a 15/20 minute walk along a lane come bridle path. This being the quickest way to the pub. (See Pics) The only other people I saw on the way were about a dozen or so children, dragging sledges and making their way to "Crack Hill", the local sledging site. I so wanted to go with them. I have always loved sledging and reckon I could still give the younger generation a few tips. Memories of Spiney Hill in Raunds have just come flooding back. We used to spend hours there in the winter trudging up the hill and then speeding down. I remember one particular winter when the snow was that bad, and the traffic so light, that we could carry on and sledge right acros the main road, the towns main high street. 
On the way there
Met a very pleasant couple in the pub, and later found out that they are living on the marina too, and passed a couple of hours drinking, talking and doing the Mail Crossword with them
On the way back

The plan for today is much the same as yesterday. Get the boat jobs done. Walk to the pub and back, lunch, snooze, television, bed. What an exciting life I lead.
Maybe post later. See ya.

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